The Kings of EU Masters
With the EU Masters 2018 coming to a close soon, where Origen had made a return into the EU League of Legends scene after their exit at the end of 2016. Bringing a veteran lineup onto what might seem to be the amateur scene of the EU LCS may seem unfair but with the way Riot has set up promotion tournaments for a team to only be able to advance to the EU LCS though the EU Masters tournament, where Origen are steamrolling past teams. However, with their ADC's need for mandatory military service, its a real question whether this team will be able to hold on to their dominate spot in the EU scene as Forg1ven's performance was one that would set apart Origen from other teams that were also strong. As for now, the questions still stands, who will replace one of EU's best ADCs in a team that has been very strong now because of mostly one man? -Kevin

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